Saturday, January 22, 2011

How to insert a Comment

After discussing with friends the issue of placing a comment in this blogspot there seems to be some difficulty with the way it has been set up. Consequently this post is an instruction to help those who may want to enter some banter, comments or just some words for discussion. To place a comment you'll need to:

1.  click on a "Comment" located under the particular post you may want to refer to,
2.  in the white box write your comment(s),
3.  under "Comment as: [select profile]" select "Name/URL",
4.  enter your name in the "Edit Profile",
5.  leave the "URL" box blank and click on "Continue",
6.  select "Preview" and then enter the anti-spam letters that appear in the white box,
7.  click on "Post Comment",
8.  your comment should now be on the system and published on the blogspot, and finally
9.  click on "Home" to return to the home screen.

Hope this helps and always searching to see some interesting comments.


NOTE: Only six-weeks to go before we "sortie" to the tropical wonderland of Malaysia.

Terima kasih (Thank you).

1 comment:

  1. I am just checking that your instructions are correct Neil. it is now only a few weeks to go and I am starting to put together the things I need, Can you please tell me how much money I will need???
    Love Heather
